Prienai Public Institution

Prienai' scheduled events for the year

Date / Time Title Place
08 d. 17:00 Foam Show at Harmony Park Harmony Park
08 d. 20:00 Musical evening at Simboly Restaurant Restaurant "Simbaly"
06.13 - 06.30 The exhibition "Under foreign skies: Lithuanian residents in Soviet camps and exile 1940-1958" dedicated to the Day of Mourning and Hope Prienai Region Museum
15 d. 17:00 Foam Show at Harmony Park Harmony Park
18 d. 10:00 Events of the Prienai Justin Marcinkevičius Public Library project "Reviving the Soul".
20 d. 11:00 "Wind-swept grass" event erkne botanical - zoological reserve
20 d. 16:00 "I'm a singer, I'm a singer" collection of songs written by priest Vincos Dumčias
21 d. 18:00 Traditional celebration of the Vēžioni community
22 d. 17:00 Foam Show at Harmony Park Harmony Park
23 d. Presentation of the orientation game "Find the Skriaudžius". Museum of Domestic Violence
23 d. 20:00 Traditional St. John's Day celebration at Jonas Vilionis homestead
25 d. 13:00 "Measure Your Wings" opening campaign of Child Care Week Prienai Freedom Square
25 d. 17:30 Presentation of the book "War Bride" by writer Ilona Skujaitė Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
29 d. 14:00 Closing celebration of the 19th Šilavotos Davatkynas plein air Šilavotas "Davatkynas"
29 d. 15:00 The summer festival of the New Úta borough "Ziedu taku" Access to the former school building of Naujos Úta
29 d. 17:00 Foam Show at Harmony Park Harmony Park
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
06.13 - 06.30 The exhibition "Under foreign skies: Lithuanian residents in Soviet camps and exile 1940-1958" dedicated to the Day of Mourning and Hope Prienai Region Museum
Date / Time Title Place
07.01 - 07.31 Exhibition of paintings by Dainora Ramanauskienė Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.01 - 07.31 Exhibition of photography works by Stanislaus Žvirgždas Leisure hall of Paukonia
06 d. 20:00 The day of the State (of the coronation of the Lithuanian King Mindaugas) and the National Anthem in Pakuona
06 d. 20:30 Singing of the national anthem in Stakliškės
07.08 - 07.31 Photo exhibition "Who is the President?" Presidents of Lithuania and the Presidential Institution 1919–1940." The council hall is broken
11 d. 17:30 Meeting with writer Violeta Šoblinskaite Aleksa and presentation of her book "Daughters of Oedipus". Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.19 - 07.21 Balbieriškis region summer festival "Prie Ringios ir Peršekės" Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
20 d. 13:00 Onini festival in Pieštuvėnai, on the territory of the kindergarten Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
20 d. 22:00 Open-air movie night Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
07.25 - 07.28 Summer festival of the Veiver region Veiverai Tomas Žilinskas Gymnasium
07.25 - 08.29 "Summer reading room" on Thursdays Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
25 d. 22:00 Outdoor screening of the movie "Come and Play". Veiverai town park
26 d. 18:00 The "Rat Race" is an orienteering car competition in Veiveriai borough The administrative building of the Veiveriai precinct
07.27 - 07.28 Summer festival of the Jiezno region "Meeting at the lake"
27 d. 19:30 An evening with DJ Yung_slbtk Gastrobar "Teka Teka"
28 d. 15:00 Daukšiagirė estate (Dvaro st. 15, Daukšiagirė village, Pakuonis sen.) - experiential excursion Daukšiagiri manor
07.30 - 08.10 International plein air sculpture and painting
30 d. 10:00 Literary-musical program "I sing poetry"
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
07.01 - 07.31 Exhibition of paintings by Dainora Ramanauskienė Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.01 - 07.31 Exhibition of photography works by Stanislaus Žvirgždas Leisure hall of Paukonia
07.08 - 07.31 Photo exhibition "Who is the President?" Presidents of Lithuania and the Presidential Institution 1919–1940." The council hall is broken
07.19 - 07.21 Balbieriškis region summer festival "Prie Ringios ir Peršekės" Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
07.25 - 07.28 Summer festival of the Veiver region Veiverai Tomas Žilinskas Gymnasium
07.25 - 08.29 "Summer reading room" on Thursdays Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.27 - 07.28 Summer festival of the Jiezno region "Meeting at the lake"
07.30 - 08.10 International plein air sculpture and painting
Date / Time Title Place
07.25 - 08.29 "Summer reading room" on Thursdays Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.30 - 08.10 International plein air sculpture and painting
01 d. 13:00 The blood donation campaign is organized by the National Blood Center
02 d. Dances for those over thirty (and in the heart) - an evening with Indre Stonkuvien Harmony Park
08.02 - 08.09 Exhibition of paintings by Modesto Malinauskas (Lithuania) and Vladimer (Lado) Sharashidze (Sakartvelas)
02 d. 16:00 Cultural afternoon "What is the Renaissance?" Prienai Region Museum
08.03 - 08.12 51st International Vintage Glider Flyover Pociunai airfield
03 d. 15:00 Day of outdoor games at Lake Jiezno At Lake Jieznas
07 d. Information tour "Prienai region is waiting for you!" Prienai tourism and business information center
07 d. 14:00 The event "Welcoming autumn in the fatherland..." Vincos Mykolaitis-Putin's homestead-museum
08 d. 17:00 The closing celebration of the creative workshop "Children create fairy tales".
09 d. 18:00 Event dedicated to Youth Day Prieni stage
10 d. 10:00 Dressage competitions | Harmony Park Racecourse Harmony Park
08.10 - 08.11 The summer festival breaks out The eldership park was broken
11 d. 10:00 Dressage competitions | Harmony Park Racecourse Harmony Park
11 d. 13:00 "Žaltvikslė" performance of amateur theater of Jiezno KLC - comedy "Ghosts" by Viktor Galinaitis Jieznas Cultural and Leisure Center
08.15 - 08.18 Package summer celebration
17 d. 10:00 Hiking to the Kielski Mound
17 d. 21:00 Movie night. Dovilė Šarutytė's film "Long subway film about life" Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
18 d. 10:00 St. Rock indulgences and Pažaislis music festival concert Jiezno St. Archangel Michael and John the Baptist Church
08.19 - 08.22 Activities of the project "Creative cognitive connections in Stakliškės". Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
08.22 - 08.24 Outdoor cinema screenings dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Road
23 d. 09:00 Exhibition of prints, books, photographs, memories, presentations dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Road, Išlako The eldership park was broken
23 d. 09:00 Invitation to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Way
23 d. 11:00 The event "Baltic Road - a symbol of the fight for freedom" in Prienai
23 d. 13:00 Afternoon "Baltic road unites us" in Ashminta Ashminta leisure hall
23 d. 14:00 Afternoon "Freedom in our hands" in Šilavat Šilavotas leisure hall
23 d. 15:00 The event "Baltic road - freedom for Lithuania" in Naujoja Úta New Uta Library
23 d. 18:00 The celebration of the communities of the Veiveria region "We make history together" is dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Road Veiveriai A. Kučingis branch of the Prienai School of Art
08.24 - 08.25 Summer festival of Stakliškii borough "After the lime ripening honey" Stakliškės recreation and event park
25 d. 14:00 Festival of Amateur Theaters "Pievos Teatras" Paprienie leisure space
26 d. 12:00 Commemoration dedicated to the 83rd anniversary of the death of the Jews of Prienai
28 d. 13:00 Spa Mother's Day at Harmony Park Harmony Park
29 d. 11:00 Educational dance workshops for the elderly (from 50 years old)
29 d. 15:30 Closing celebration of the "Summer Reading Room". Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
31 d. Fourth Bread and Fire Festival Prienai Birch Park
31 d. 21:00 Outdoor cinema screening dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Road in Vyšniūnai
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
07.25 - 08.29 "Summer reading room" on Thursdays Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
07.30 - 08.10 International plein air sculpture and painting
08.02 - 08.09 Exhibition of paintings by Modesto Malinauskas (Lithuania) and Vladimer (Lado) Sharashidze (Sakartvelas)
08.03 - 08.12 51st International Vintage Glider Flyover Pociunai airfield
08.10 - 08.11 The summer festival breaks out The eldership park was broken
08.15 - 08.18 Package summer celebration
08.19 - 08.22 Activities of the project "Creative cognitive connections in Stakliškės". Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
08.22 - 08.24 Outdoor cinema screenings dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Baltic Road
08.24 - 08.25 Summer festival of Stakliškii borough "After the lime ripening honey" Stakliškės recreation and event park
Date / Time Title Place
02 d. 09:00 Celebration of Science and Knowledge Day
03 d. 17:00 Opening of the III international graphics exhibition "Conversations".
09.06 - 09.15 Events of European Heritage Days in Lithuania
07 d. 14:00 The event "Welcoming autumn in the fatherland..." Vincos Mykolaitis-Putin's homestead-museum
08 d. 12:00 Theatrical excursion "Prienai Military Town: Love, Porridge and Peace" Prienai Birch Park
10 d. 18:00 Animated film for the whole family "The Brave Rescuers"
11 d. 13:20 Interactive dance performance "Four Victors" Pakuonis Primary School
12 d. 17:00 Jurgita Lieponė's book "Saulius Siparis. Fortune, whore!” presentation Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
13 d. 14:00 Opening of the New Uta Library New Uta Library
13 d. 18:30 Action "All of Lithuania dances"
13 d. 19:30 Dance evening for adults
14 d. 13:00 Regional gathering of folklore collectives "Zydi kleštia radastėlė" Šilavotas "Davatkynas"
15 d. 14:00 Sambūri "Family Bikes" Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
15 d. 14:00 Day of outdoor games in Naujosii Úta precinct
15 d. 17:00 Presentation of festive clothing collections "Stars as Muses" Daukšiagiri manor
09.16 - 09.22 Photo and video contest "Move and capture"
17 d. 10:00 A meeting with Juozus Ališauskas, the adolescent reading ambassador of the "Metai su knuga 2" project Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
17 d. 18:00 International jazz ensemble "MENT4L" concert
18 d. 10:00 Days of Lithuanian cinema classics
19 d. 18:00 Meeting with the new book "The Light of Searches" by the People's Community of Birštonas-Prienai Region and the "Gabija" Club Veiveri Riflemen's House
20 d. 13:00 Meeting with local woman, writer, ribbon weaver Anele Zurliene Stakliškii library
20 d. 16:00 Bicycle tour "Bicycles around Prienus" Prienai Freedom Square
20 d. 19:00 Concert "Sing and dance with Kori" Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
21 d. Pedestrian march in Pociūnai, dedicated to the European Mobility Week Pociunai airfield
21 d. 10:00 Prienai district sports festival 2024 Physical culture and sports center of Prienai district municipality
21 d. 10:30 Small bike competition for the European Mobility Week Physical culture and sports center of Prienai district municipality
21 d. 13:00 Association of Noreikiški village community and friends and an afternoon of singing poetry "All the village fairies, snakes and autumn" Desires
21 d. 15:00 Autumn festival of the pack "Among the golden maples" Pakuonis Parish Park
21 d. 15:30 Traditional regional amateur theater festival "Day at the Pacų Palace" Jieznas Cultural and Leisure Center
22 d. 19:00 An event dedicated to the Day of White Unity Ustrone boulder
23 d. 11:30 Commemoration of the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Genocide of Lithuanian Jews in Balbierišky
24 d. 17:00 Literary interviews with writers Gvida Latak and Vidmantas Kiaus-Elmiškis Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
24 d. 18:00 Movie "In the Pit"
25 d. 14:00 Presentation of Danutė Kalinauskaitė's book "Whites before blacks".
25 d. 14:00 The celebration of the opening of the new academic year of the Third Century University
26 d. 18:30 Dance evening Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
27 d. World tourism day on the deck of the ship "Algirdas". Prienai dock
27 d. 16:00 The event is dedicated to the Day of Social Workers
27 d. 19:00 Discotheque. DJ program. Veiveri Riflemen's House
09.28 - 09.29 Mykolinés Jiezne
28 d. 11:00 Experiential youth camps
28 d. 13:00 Regional Sacred Music Festival "Songs of Loving Hearts" Pakuonis St. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
28 d. 13:00 XIV bard festival "I am autumn" Rural tourism homestead "Shaltupis"
28 d. 16:00 Entertainment music festival "Golden Melodies"
29 d. 13:00 Opening of the exhibition "Ukraine: A look at reality". Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
29 d. 15:00 The performance "Shadows of Altars" Daukšiagiri manor
30 d. 14:00 Free education for seniors "Opening the language box" Prienai Region Museum
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
09.06 - 09.15 Events of European Heritage Days in Lithuania
09.16 - 09.22 Photo and video contest "Move and capture"
09.28 - 09.29 Mykolinés Jiezne
Date / Time Title Place
01 d. 15:00 A concert for seniors dedicated to the International Day of the Elderly "Akkabinu širdimi" Veiveri Riflemen's House
01 d. 16:00 Presentation of Juozas Gaižauskas's book "Moon Hunters". Veiveri Riflemen's House
02 d. 12:00 Afternoon dedicated to the International Day of the Elderly "We are united by friendship and song" Ashminta leisure hall
02 d. 12:00 The campaign "Culture to Yards" dedicated to the International Day of the Elderly and Seniors' Week
02 d. 17:00 Events dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
03 d. 17:00 Events dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
04 d. Afternoon dedicated to Seniors Week Jieznas Cultural and Leisure Center
04 d. 12:00 The initiative of the Lithuanian association "Gyvastis" to honor organ donors Prienai Freedom Square
04 d. 16:00 Presentation of Rita Pauliukaitienė's book "Eight warriors of the Lithuanian freedom struggle". Prienai Region Museum
04 d. 18:00 Opening of the exhibition of paintings by Vytautas Čeplinskas "Landscapes, still lifes and some more..."
05 d. Hiking Jiezno Independence Square
05 d. 10:00 The traditional Teacher's Day regatta to win the mayor's cup of the Prienai district municipality Prieni stage
05 d. 11:00 Experiential youth camps
05 d. 14:00 Amateur theater festival "Open" Veiveri Riflemen's House
06 d. Autumn Festival "Autumn Letters" The eldership park was broken
06 d. 12:00 Afternoon "Let's brighten the autumn silence" dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons Šilavotas leisure hall
06 d. 13:00 Event dedicated to the International Day of the Elderly "With a song more fun" Pakuonis St. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary
06 d. 13:30 Event "Afternoon tea" for seniors
06 d. 13:30 Presentation of the 7th book "Emotional Collages". Program "For every sad soul after spring..." New Uta Library
06 d. 15:00 An experiential theatrical tour of the Daukšiagirė estate Daukšiagiri manor
06 d. 16:00 Keenersong group concert Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
07 d. 13:00 The blood donation campaign is organized by the National Blood Center
08 d. 14:30 The event is dedicated to International Teachers' Day
08 d. 15:00 Presentation of the book "Apolonija" by the writer Gina Viliūnė Jiezno Library
08 d. 15:00 Watching the Saints Watch Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
09 d. 15:00 Afternoon "Collages of autumn feelings" Abuse Leisure Hall
11 d. 16:00 Celebration of the opening of the cultural road of the poet Justin Marcinkevičius Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
11 d. 16:00 Youth space "Prienas" invites young people to the Horror Hotel
12 d. 10:00 Prienai district business exhibition PRIENAI'24 Physical culture and sports center of Prienai district municipality
15 d. 18:00 The animated adventure film Ozzy. Voice of the Forest"
16 d. 19:00 Operetta evening Veiveri Riflemen's House
18 d. 17:00 Presentation of Rimvydas Stankevičius's book "Perceptions". Stakliškii library
18 d. 17:00 Presentation of Rimvydas Stankevičius's book "Perceptions". Stakliškii library
18 d. 18:00 Guitar evening "Guitar strings sound" Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
18 d. 19:00 Dance evening Abuse Leisure Hall
19 d. 13:00 The traditional autumn festival of the Šilavotos precinct "Autumn on the birthplace path" Šilavotas leisure hall
19 d. 18:00 Regional hit festival "Light it up for me again" New Uta Leisure Hall
22 d. 18:00 Domino Theater performance "Advertising Men"
23 d. UNCOMFORTABLE CINEMA. Screening of the documentary Is There Room for Me? Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
23 d. 10:00 "I see" conference
23 d. 15:00 A battle of wits for young people
23 d. 17:00 Meeting with the book "The Light of Searches" by the members of the Birštonas-Prieņi Region People's Community and the Gabija Club Balbieriškis library
24 d. The Kaunas Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts invites you to the conference "Prienai Business: Opportunities for Growth and Cooperation"
24 d. 14:00 Vytautas the Great University (VDU) invites business representatives to the open event "VDU LabTour" VMU Academy of Agriculture
10.25 - 10.28 Park of glowing pumpkins Pakuonis Parish Park
10.25 - 10.28 "Lightning Pumpkin Park" Pakuonis Parish Park
25 d. 15:00 Presentation of the exhibition of folk artists of the Kėdainiai region "Led by traditions". The yard of Public Enterprise "Meninė drozyba".
25 d. 16:00 Presentation of the books "Oneness" and "Look back at the horizon" by the writer Aldona Ruseckaitė Prienai Justinas Marcinkevičius Public Library
25 d. 18:30 Republic romance evening "Songs of Longing"
25 d. 19:00 A Nightmare on Halloween event Museum of Domestic Violence
26 d. Hike on the "Autumn Paths of Priein" Prienai tourism and business information center
29 d. 18:00 Real Headlights Movie
30 d. Free live basic suicide prevention training Public Health Office of the Prienai District Municipality
30 d. 17:00 General commemoration of Hope-Longing "The Path of Eternity" dedicated to All-Hallows
30 d. 19:00 Support concert "Bring Back Breaks the Flower's Ring" Breaks St. Church of the Help of Christians of the Virgin Mary
Ongoing events
Date Title Place
10.25 - 10.28 Park of glowing pumpkins Pakuonis Parish Park
10.25 - 10.28 "Lightning Pumpkin Park" Pakuonis Parish Park
Date / Time Title Place
05 d. 18:00 The movie "Neighbors
07 d. 18:00 "The Theater of Freaks" performance "Shakespeare's writings abridged"
09 d. 14:00 Nerija group's concert "Oh, how the year goes by" Pakuonis Basic School Hall
10 d. 17:00 Nerija group's concert "Oh, how the year goes by" Balbieriškis Culture and Leisure Center
13 d. 18:00 Daumantai musicians concert "I will wait for you"
15 d. 18:00 Retro evening "Call me by name" Stakliškės Culture and Leisure Center
16 d. 12:00 Raganiukė theater's musical movement performance for children and the whole family "The Nutcracker"
20 d. 11:00 Christmas creative activities Prienai tourism and business information center
21 d. 11:00 Christmas creative activities Prienai tourism and business information center
22 d. 11:00 Christmas creative activities Prienai tourism and business information center
23 d. 12:00 Christmas creative activities Prienai tourism and business information center
26 d. 18:00 The Animated Movie Mischievous Paws: Missing Pets
28 d. 18:00 Hiperband concert "Songs that created the history of Lithuanian music!"
29 d. 19:00 Dance performance "Balcony"